Author Archives: admin

Flickering Lights – Haunted House?!?

Do the flickering lights in your home have you breaking out in goosebumps and cold sweats?  Are you concerned that you might have a not-so-friendly ghost haunting your house?  Put those fears to rest.  Your home lights are likely flickering due to an electrical issue!


What can cause lights to flicker?  Often times the answer is as simple as a loose or defective bulb.  When the light is turned OFF and COOL to the touch, remove the bulb and inspect it.  If it seems damaged in any way, replace it with a new bulb and screw the new bulb securely into the socket.  Hopefully, this resolved your “haunting”!  If not, read on!

screwing in a lightbulb

If the lights flicker at a certain time of day – pay attention to what other electrical usage you have at that time.  Did the Air Conditioning just come on?  Did you just plug in a table top grill?  What appliances are running? If the lights flicker when other appliances kick on, there may be a problem with the appliance or service wiring. This is more than a nuisance—increased current draw can cause wiring, connectors, and breakers to heat up, presenting a real risk of fire. Even without the risk of fire, appliances that have to struggle to draw power can suffer damage to motors and other expensive components.

Defective wiring can also cause flickering lights.  Undersized breakers, loose connectors, or damaged wires can all cause intermittent current losses. If your home has a mixture of copper and aluminum wires, special connectors must be used where the two types of wires meet. If the wrong connectors were used, they can corrode, causing flickering and other problems. Any defects in your home’s wiring can create a risk of fire or electrocution, and can render safety features like breakers and GFCIs ineffective.

If you are not able to resolve your flickering lights – don’t call Ghost Busters!  Call A1 Electrical.  We have been servicing the Sacramento Area including Galt, Auburn, Roseville and North Highlands for over 10 years and we would be happy to help you with any of your home electrical needs.  Give us a call at 916-482-3400!

What to Do in Case of a Power Outage!



#1.  Prepare/Restock your emergency preparedness kit.  This kit should include flashlights, candles, a lighter/matches, batteries and a first aid kit as well as any medications that you may want/need in an emergency situation.    For example – if you have a diabetic in the home, be sure to include some glucose tablets.  Check all medications regularly and replace any that are expired.


#2.  Keep some shelf stable snacks such as granola bars and canned goods that do not require power to prepare handy.  Make sure you own a manual can opener.  Keep plenty of bottled water handy.

#3.   Keep all phones and electronic devices that you may need in an emergency fully charged.  You can also purchase spare batteries for these devices and rotate them, keeping the spare always charged in case of an emergency.

#4.  Purchase or keep enough ice on hand to keep perishable goods cold during a power outage.

#5.  Keep your car’s gas tank full.  You never know when there might be an emergency evacuation or extended power outage, and gas pumps run on electricity.  Also – in an emergency you can use your car’s heater/air conditioning and electricity to power your cell phone.  Just do NOT run a car in an enclosed area or your risk exposing yourself to harmful or deadly levels of carbon monoxide.

#6.  Learn about safety procedures and plans in your area such as evacuation points, cooling and warming centers by visiting your local or state web site.

#7.  If you have medical devices that rely on electricity to function, please contact your equipment provider or electrical provider for assistance in preparing a back up plan should your power fail.



#1.  Use flashlights for emergency lighting.  Conserve batteries as much as possible because you do not know how long the power outage may last.  Use candles ONLY in supervised areas to prevent fires.


#2.  Keep refrigerators/freezers closed.  Perishable foods can generally be safely kept in a fridge/freezer during a power outage for at last several hours.


#3.  Take steps to remain cool if it is hot outside. In intense heat when the power may be off for a long time, consider going to a movie theater, shopping mall or “cooling shelter” that may be open in your community. If you remain at home, move to the lowest level of your home, since cool air falls. Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing. Drink plenty of water, even if you do not feel thirsty.

#4.  Put on layers of warm clothing if it is cold outside. Never burn charcoal for heating or cooking indoors. Never use your oven as a source of heat. If the power may be out for a prolonged period, plan to go to another location (the home of a relative or friend, or a public facility) that has heat to keep warm.


#5.  Turn off any appliances in the home until the power comes back on.  This will protect your appliances from being damaged by any power surges.  Also consider installing surge protectors.

#6.  If you are considering buying a generator, consult with an engineer first.  Never run a generator INSIDE or near a home.



#1.  Throw away any spoiled food or beverages.  Discard anything that has been exposed to temperatures 40° F (4° C) for 2 hours or more or that has an unusual odor, color or texture. When in doubt, throw it out!


#2.  If food in the freezer is colder than 40° F and has ice crystals on it, you can refreeze it.

#3.  Contact your doctor or pharmacist if you are concerned about refrigerated medications being spoiled.

#4.  Restock emergency supplies such as batteries, candles and bandages/medications so you are prepared for the next power outage!


For more information, CLICK HERE!



Stay Safe in a Storm!

The weather outside is frightful!  It is the PERFECT time to review storm safety when it comes to inclement winter weather.


Winter weather including excessive rain as we are experiencing now in the Sacramento area is just another part of enjoying life here in the usually sunny state of California.  Some areas are subjected to flooding or even flash floods.  Excessive amounts of water on the road or even ice can create hazardous conditions leading to automobile accidents and power outages.  When a power line is struck and disabled, it can knock out the power to quite a few people and take hours for crews to correct.

Let A1 Electrical provide you with safety advice if you should ever encounter a downed power line!


#1 If you see a downed power line, STAY FAR AWAY!  Keep at least one bus length between yourself and the potential hazard.  Use your cell phone to call for help.down-power-line-carousel#2 If you are in a vehicle that has been involved in an accident resulting in a downed power line, REMAIN INSIDE YOUR VEHICLE if possible.  This IS the safest place for you until help arrives.  Use your cell phone to call for help.

#3 If you MUST exit the vehicle due to fire or other immediate hazard, please remove any loose/dangling clothing.  Open the car door by the handle  while avoiding contact with the door.  Stand on the door ledge with your feet touching each other and your hands up by your chest.  Jump and land with your feet touching one another and shuffle, keeping both feet in contact with the ground at all times, until you are a bus length away from the hazard.



#4 Stay safely AWAY from the downed power line, as it can energize not only the vehicles it may be touching, but also the road, especially in wet weather conditions.



When help arrives, they will be able to neutralize the power so that you can safely exit your vehicle and evacuate the area until repairs are made.





Tripped Breakers


It has happened to the best of us.  You are humming a tune, doing a little dance and trying to blow dry your hair and get out the door to start your day.  Suddenly, mid – dry, the breaker trips and your blow dryer shuts off.  Along with every light, clock and electrical device you own.  ARGH! Now not only do you have to find a robe and some shoes and trudge outside to reset your breakers, you also have to reset your clocks!  This is NOT the way you wanted to start your day, especially before your first cup of coffee.


What IS a breaker anyways, and why do they trip?  Breakers – Why you always trippin’?

A breaker usually trips when a circuit is overloaded.  When a circuit has more electrical load connected to it than it really should have (like when you are running an electricity-guzzling appliance such as a hair dryer), it can trip a breaker as a result of the additional load.  For example:  If you have a 15 AMP breaker protecting a 15 AMP circuit,  and you have 20 AMPS flowing through it due to operating a toaster, table top grill, hair dryer and space heater all at the same time connected to the same circuit, you will trip the breaker.  The breaker is designed to help protect the circuit from overheating.


Allow A1 Electrical, the premier electrician contractor in the Sacramento CA area servicing El Dorado Hills, Folsom, Roseville and surrounding areas to help walk you through resetting tripped breakers step by step.

Turn off all electronic equipment hooked up to that circuit in order to avoid disruptive power surges and equipment damage.

Go to your electrical service panel, usually located in the basement or garage or in the room with your furnace and hot water.  Some are also located outside, often near the garage.You must now identify the tripped circuit breaker. The tripped breaker will not be fully in the “On” position but rather in the “Off” position or even somewhere in between the two.  Some newer service panels now have breakers that show red by the handle when tripped.

To reset the tripped circuit breaker, firmly push the switch all the way down to the “Off” position and then back up to the “On” position. You should hear a click as the switch snaps fully into the “On” position.


Did that work?  Are you back in business?  You may want to see what appliances you can leave off while finishing your coiffure.  Perhaps your toast can wait until your hair is blow dried to perfection?


If your breaker continues to trip as soon as you reset it, you may actually have a direct short.  If this is the case, do not continue to try to reset your breakers.  Please contact us for assistance.  At this point you need a professional to address the issue.  You could have a weak compressor, an undersized breaker or wire, defective breaker, loose breaker, loose electrical connection or weak capacitor.

At A1 Electrical we have been helping people keep their circuits from trippin’ for over a decade!  If you live in or around Sacramento, CA or surrounding areas including Elk Grove, Lincoln or Elverta – we would be happy to help you resolve your breaker issue!  Breakers, have some chill.  Please give us a call at 916-482-3400!

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Recessed Lighting – Is It For You?

Many folks enjoy the aesthetics of recessed lighting. It gives the illusion of higher ceilings which can make a room feel more open and spacious. It also looks more sleek and modern than older, more traditional lighting choices. But, some people prefer the look of other types of lighting or want to preserve the original feel for a historic home. Let A1 Electrical help you find the lighting solution that is right for you and your home!

If you are interested in recessed lighting for your home in the greater Sacramento areas including El Dorado Hills, Folsom, Roseville and Lincoln, please call A1 Electrical today!

Considering Recessed Lighting for your Home?
Here are some things to consider –

Recessed Lighting is Cost Efficient. Recessed lighting is more modern and energy efficient than older methods of lighting. They typically operate on a lower voltage than their traditional counterparts. For additional reduction in energy consumption, consider adding a dimmer switch.

Easy to Install. Recessed lighting can easily be installed in any room with a flat ceiling. As long as there is electrical access, even sloped or vaulted ceilings present no problems. You can install recessed lighting in common areas of our home, bedrooms, bathrooms and even covered porches or pool areas.


They are Functional. Recessed lighting can provide a range of lighting options. It can be used for ambient lighting or as a spotlight to highlight a precious family heirloom or piece of artwork. It can be bright enough to light a reading corner or for a home business office.



Recessed Lighting is Customizable. Recessed lighting trim can be chosen and customized to match any existing or imagined décor style. Options range from sleek mirrored surfaces to plain colored rings or ornately detailed decorative architectural designs.



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Out of the Way. Recessed lighting is installed to sit flush against a flat surface. So, it doesn’t stick out or hang down to impede movement or get in your way. It creates a blank canvass for displaying your own personal style with other elements in the room, without detracting or taking attention away from the features you want to have shine!

Lighting Plan

Recessed lighting is a relatively inexpensive way to update an outdated room or home, but for some charming older homes, it is often best to stick with lighting appropriate for the style of the home.

Spotlights lit up an exquisite kitchen

Spotlights lit up an exquisite kitchen

If you would like more information on upgrading to recessed lighting in your home, please contact A1 Electrical at 916-482-3400!


Electricity Can Be DANGEROUS!

Electricity has certainly made our lives easier in many ways.  Besides our beloved smart phones, electricity powers so many BASIC parts of our lives.  From heat in winter to air conditioning in the Summer, from the convenience of microwave heating that forgotten cup of coffee or frozen burrito to lighting the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night – we rely on electricity for many of our creature comforts.  That being said, electricity can be EXTREMELY DANGEROUS when it is misused or mishandled.

If you notice or suspect any damage to your electrical wiring system, contact and expert RIGHT AWAY.  If you notice any damage at a commercial or public location, notify the business owner or the utilities company immediately.

Here are just some examples showing the power and danger inherent in using electricity.

Eek! I Smell a Rat!

Home maintenance is no easy task – ask any home owner!  And once you make your home warm and cozy and oh so inviting – you have to be prepared for unexpected guests.  Your mother in law is not the only unwelcome guest that may show up unannounced.  RODENTS love to come into your warm, dry home during the cold and wet winter months.  They come seeking shelter and food and they are capable of doing incredible amounts of damage to your home, including your electrical system.


WHY do rodents chew on wiring?

Rodent teeth are very sharp and capable of chewing through your electrical wiring system.  Because rodent’s teeth never stop growing, they are always chewing on things to wear their teeth down and control the length of their incisors.


Left unchecked, a rodent infestations can result in costly damage to your home electrical system – but don’t worry!  A1 Electrical can help repair any rodent damage with our team of electricians in the greater Sacramento area.  Some examples of the damage that we can repair are:

Damage to your appliances:  When wires get chewed, it creates a hazardous situation where power surges or arcing can occur.  Either of these situations can permanently damage your electrical appliance.

Wire Damage: If a rodent infestation is left unchecked, they can chew through wires day and night.  Eventually, your entire system may have to be replaced if the damage is too extensive.

Fire Risk: Exposed wires are ALWAYS dangerous.  If the exposed wires make contact with flammables, it can trigger an electrical fire.

Please call us to repair any rodent damage before it creates an unsafe situation in your home!  A1 Electrical 916-482-3400.

How can I prevent Rodents from Chewing on my Wires?


The first step is rodent abatement measures.  Whenever rodents are present, they have the opportunity to chew and damage wires in your system.  They must be eliminated to prevent damage.  You can contact a pest control professional or handle the situation using humane traps, traditional traps or poisons.  But one way or another, the rodents must go.  Once they are gone and any damages are repaired, you must focus on prevention and early detection.

Routinely clean and inspect crawl spaces and other rodent-friendly hiding places.  Clean old cupboards, closets and attics where a mouse or rat may like to nest.  Check them frequently for signs of infestation – nests, chew marks or rodent droppings.

Repair entry Points. Check your home for cracks, holes or other areas where rodents may be accessing entry.  Do not ignore damage that can allow a rodent entry.  Your home is warm, it is full of food and, unless you have a hungry house cat, safe.  A rodent WILL find a way in, if there is one.

Keep your Roof Clear. Cut overhanging branches that may act as a bridge to allow rodents access to your roof.  Cut climbing ivy so that it cannot be used as a ladder to gain roof access by hungry rodents.

Take out the Trash. The odor of decomposing foodstuffs are like a beacon to rodents – they will find a way to get to those enticing food smells – even if it means chewing a hole through your wall!

What do I do if I HAVE a Rodent Infestation?

First, contact a pest control specialist immediately.  No one wants to spend money on pest control, but in this case, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  For every dollar your spend eradicating a rodent problem, you will save several more when comparing the cost with repairing rodent damage after the fact.  Rodents WILL damage your electrical system and CAN cause an electrical house fire which would put yourself and your family at risk.  Rodent infestations need to be taken very seriously.  Aside from the damage rodents can do to the structure of your home, they also often spread disease and bring fleas into the home which can cause skin irritation and also spread diseases, some of which are deadly.


If you have wiring damages from a rodent infestation, give A1 Electrical a call.  We can come and help you get your electrical system back to being safe and functional.  We service the greater Sacramento California area including El Dorado Hills, Elk Grove, Rocklin, Roseville, Rio Linda and more! 916-482-3400

When to Re Wire?

You finally found that elusive house in the perfect neighborhood with old world charm that tugs at your heart strings and feels like home. The built-ins make you swoon, the original hardwoods are there in all of their creaking splendor. You are utterly in love. But despite looking sturdy and well kept on the outside, many older homes are harboring potentially deadly electrical issues hidden within their wall-papered walls!


Our lives have changed greatly from the bucolic existence we once enjoyed to a technologically advanced and electricity-reliant speedier way of life. We have more appliances that require more power than older electrical wiring was designed to provide. Additionally, advances in electrical wiring technology have created safer ways of providing the electricity we need while reducing the risks of shock or fire.

Prior to 1900, most homes used Knob and Tube wiring. They would nail ceramic, insulated knobs to the sides of joists in a house’s frame. When they ran the wires, the knobs would keep them off the frame and prevent them from electrifying the wood. Tubes were used when the wires needed to go through joists. This was gradually phased out in the 1930’s but can be found in homes built all the way up to the 1950’s.


Old knob and tube wiring can wear down from the current running through it and cause a safety hazard. For this reason, when old knob and tube wiring is discovered, it is replaced with more modern wiring. Many insurance companies will not provide coverage on homes with knob and tube wiring because of the hazard that it presents. Additionally, it may have to be upgraded in order to buy/sell an older home. And replacing old knob and tube wiring can be very expensive – over $5k even for a small home.

If you are already living in an older home with knob and tube wiring, another option is to rewire your home in sections as needed over time to defer the cost instead of having to pay for the entire re wire job all at once. You can add additional new outlets wired back to the breaker box to lighten the load on the existing knob and tube wiring to create a safer environment until you are able to slowly replace all of the old knob and tube with safer, more modern wiring.

Many older homes, even those that do not utilize the old knob and tube wiring, are simply not wired to meet the needs of the energy requirements of today’s technology-heavy life style. A typical older home could have been wired for 100, 150 or 200 AMP service. Now, most homes require at least 200 AMPS to meet modern electrical needs.

While older wiring is not inherently dangerous, wiring and connectors deteriorate over time and this can lead to a dangerous situation. If your wiring is more than 40 years old, it is a good idea to hire a licensed electrical contractor to come and perform an inspection. You can expect for this type of inspection to cost between $150-$300, depending on the size of your home. Once you know exactly what type of electrical wiring you are dealing with and what condition it is in, you can make a decision about whether or not rewiring the house in sections or all at once is the best option for you!

Don’t DIY Electrical!

I love watching the commercials for our local do it yourself home improvement centers – Home Depot, Lowes etc.  The happy home owners are always well dressed and smiling in their freshly pressed cotton t shirts while they delicately spread spackle or roll paint onto a wall with ease.  Unfortunately, even the most simple and rewarding DIY project is rarely so easy or enjoyable.

Despite the draw of the DIY movement – some jobs are just too complicated and too dangerous to tackle when you don’t have the education and experience to back up your work.

As useful as YouTube videos can be for learning new skills, they are also helpful as a demonstration of why you should leave your home electrical system firmly in the hands of professional electricians and electrical contractors and resist the urge to DIY!

While THIS example of DIY electrical work gone wrong is quite amusing, some home electrical missteps can lead to damage to your home electrical system, an electrical fire or electrocution resulting in injury or death.  So, when it comes to the electrical in your home, let the experts handle it.  Give us a call.  We will be happy to help with your home electrical needs.

Electrical Safety for Winter from A1 Electrical

In the winter, as temperatures drop and folks spend more time indoors, electrical usage goes up. Increased electrical demand coupled with inclement weather conditions can lead to dangerous conditions in your home. Here are some tips from A1 Electrical for keeping your home and family safe this year while El Nino brings record rain and snow falls!


Stay safe this Winter:
1. Install additional outlets. Installing additional outlets can allow you the flexibility of using winter time appliances (think heaters, electric blankets, Christmas tree lights) without over burdening your existing electrical outlets or using numerous plug extenders which may cause a fire hazard.
2. Turn it Off. Be sure to turn off unnecessary electrical appliances when you go to bed at night or leave the house for the day. This includes lights, fans, electronics and any other non-essential appliances. This will not only reduce the possibility of an electrical fire from lightening or power surges during storms, it will also save you money!  If you have a hard time remembering to power down before you leave in the morning or go to bed at night – consider installing timers on your lights or electrical appliances to automatically turn them off at certain times.
3. Check it Out. Get in the habit of routinely checking the condition of your electrical system. When you change out your air filters is a good time to remember to give them a quick check, or at the beginning of each season. Take a look at your outlets and switches – and replace any that are cracked or damaged. Take care of any exposed wiring. These things deteriorate over time and the older they get, the higher the risks are of an electrical fire.
4. Check the List. Have an electrical safety check list that you can refer to when you are preparing your home for Winter. Having a list reduces the likelihood of forgetting or missing a step in preparing your home for the upcoming season. Here is a check list you can use and modify to make work for your home:

Safety Check List:
1. Ensure your home has the correct electrical panels, plugs, sockets and switches installed. If it does, check that the covers are all in good repair without any cracks or damage and that they are secured in place. If you have ANY questions as to the condition or safety of your electrical system, call a licensed electrician such as A1 Electrical to come out and check for you.
2. Get comfortable with your panel. Make sure that you or any responsible party that could be home alone during an electrical crisis knows where the electrical panel is located. Ensure that the path to the panel is not obstructed. It is easy to forget the importance of your electrical panel and pile boxes in front of it or allow shrubbery to encroach on the panel area, making locating and using the panel difficult during a power crisis. Check to be sure that all circuits inside are clearly marked and functioning. In severe weather, power fluctuations can trip circuits. In that case you may need to access the panel to manually restore power to the affected areas.
3. Prevent Water Leaks. Maintaining your roof and gutters can help protect your electrical wiring against unexpected water leaks during wet weather. If you see or suspect that there are any leaks, have them repaired immediately. Water and electricity do not mix and can easily create a dangerous situation, not to mention damaging your home and electrical system.
4. Look Up. Do your overhead power lines have adequate clearance from surrounding vegetation, poles and other structures? Is there adequate clearance above/around your pool/spa? If power lines are sagging in dangerous territory, contact your power company immediately to address the problem. If trees or shrubs are encroaching on electrical wires, clear them if you can do so safely, or contact a professional to rectify the situation.
5. Don’t overload. In general, you should not use plug in multi-sockets that don’t have overload circuit breakers or surge protection. If you are unsure if you are overloading or using your outlets improperly, please consult with a licensed electrician for assistance.
6. Do you have/need a hardwired surge suppressor? In most cases, a certified hardwired surge suppressor at the main panel will provide much greater protection for your home.
7. Don’t leave it plugged! If you are going on vacation, unplug any non-essential household appliances. Appliances are much safer unplugged when they are unsupervised.


If you have any questions or need help with inspecting, maintaining or repairing any electrical issues in your home this Winter, please call our helpful friendly staff at 916-482-3400!