Lighting for Your Outdoor Kitchen!

Outdoor Kitchen Lighting

Today is the first official day of Summer!  With the rising temperatures, residence here of Norther California and the Sacramento Valley in particular like to take advantage of their outdoor living space.  Many homes here have cool, clean pools to take a dip in and cool down and many also have outdoor kitchens complete with BBQs, burners, ovens, trash compactors and even dishwashers!  Here in California we like to live in luxury outdoors or in! outdoor-kitchen-designs-amazing-view - Copy

After a long afternoon spent splashing and floating in the pool, there’s nothing like firing up the grill and throwing on some thick rib eye steaks and vegetable skewers.  There is no more beautiful view than a lazy summer sunset while you enjoy your dinner.

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To extend the time you can spend pool side and enjoying the amazing outdoor living available to us here in California, selecting the proper lighting for your outdoor kitchen is extremely important.  You want to be able to take advantage of every moment that the season has to offer!  And the temperatures remain pleasant and warm well into the evening hours.

There are three main types of lighting you will want to consider:

Task lighting (for areas where you will be cooking)

Ambient Lighting (for areas where you will be eating)

Safety Lighting (for walkways)


Task Lighting

Task lighting is the lighting needed to see while you are seasoning that perfect steak or chopping those tender delicious ripe summer time fruits and vegetables!  You need proper lighting to bone out a chicken or fold a foil packet. This lighting should be bright, but not bright enough to destroy the overall ambiance or create a harsh lighting experience.  Depending on your backyard kitchen, you may choose recessed can lights to perform this function.  They are durable and do not call attention away from the beauty of your surroundings.  remember, whatever lighting you choose to use, be sure it is rated for outdoor usage.  Even if you have a roof or overhang, you want to choose a light that can safely operate in damp conditions.

You need to make sure that there is adequate lighting at the grill area.  Your resident grill master must be able to see when the food is properly cooked.  Grill task lighting can be accomplished with either Halogen or LED bulbs. The most important thing is that you get a nice, bright white light—this will help you see most clearly and ensure that the food coming off the grill tastes good, is presented well, and most importantly, is safe to eat.  Also, make sure any cabinets have adequate lighting so they can see their spices and ingredients.  You would not want a steak seasoned with sugar instead of salt!  Or cayenne pepper instead of black pepper! This can also be done with LEDs, which can be installed under lips in the cabinet so you won’t be able to see the lights themselves—just the glow they cast. Such lighting can enhance the aesthetics of your outdoor kitchen area while making it easier to see what you’re doing while cooking.

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outdoor-kitchen-led - CopyOutdoorKitchenAmbient Lighting for Eating Areas

When those rib eyes come off the grill, you need a safe, lit area to sit and enjoy them.

The best type of lighting for outdoor eating areas is LED, which is highly efficient and durable. When it comes to keeping insects away, meanwhile, one of the best things to do is install a ceiling fan, which can be wired with lights and will discourage insects over a wide area.

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Safety Lighting for Walkways

Last but not least, it’s important to make sure you have adequate lighting along any pathways from your home to your outdoor kitchen. Walkway lighting can be accomplished with any type of low-voltage lighting, but we prefer LED for this task—they’re efficient, long-lasting, and get the job done better than any other type of lighting.

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Proper lighting is the KEY to enjoying long lazy summer days in the Sacramento Valley.  If you are considering building or renovating your outdoor kitchen, please contact A1 Electrical at 916-482-3400.  We would be happy to help design, provide and install any lighting you need to make this Summer the best one yet!