Outdoor Lighting – Beautiful AND Functional!


One of the easiest and least expensive ways to dramatically improve your home’s curb appeal while also adding a layer of security is by installing outdoor lighting.  These lights can be used for safety – to prevent trip hazards and allow you to navigate outdoors at night time .  They are also beautiful and can highlight the features of your property that you are the most proud of.  They also play an important role in the security of your home – a well lit home is less likely to be targeted by thieves and other criminals.

What Outdoor Lights Should You Install?

The choices you make in outdoor lighting depend on what your goals are for the area.  Are you looking to improve safety and visibility?  Is it mainly for security purposes?  Or are you seeking to highlight a sculpture or particularly stunning rock outcropping or tree?  Are you looking to draw attention to your gardens?  And how many hours per day do you anticipate your lighting to be operating?


If you want to leave the outdoor lighting on day and night, you may want to consider energy efficiency as a larger factor when selecting your outdoor lighting.  This means choosing a lower voltage bulb.  A1 Electrical has experts on hand that can help you select the Outdoor lighting that is best for your Sacramento home.

If you choose to have your lights on a timer, or a motion sensor, the efficiency may not be as important to you.  Perhaps your choice will depend more on personal style.

A few things to keep in mind if you are choosing to install outdoor lights for landscaping purposes:

Keep it low-voltage:  Your yard generally needs only to be dimly lit to make a visual impact. Bright lights are simply not necessary.   Keeping the voltage low will keep your energy bills manageable.

What do you want to illuminate?  There are two kinds of outdoor lights – uplighting and downlighting.  Just like they sound, uplighting is pointed from the ground upwards, while downlighting shines down towards the ground from a high position.  Most people use a combination of both to highlight their favorite landscape features.LT2

A1 Electrical offers outdoor lighting that will increase your home’s:

Beauty – landscape lighting can be used to showcase interesting features in your home’s architecture or your yard! At A1 Electrical, we can design and install outdoor lighting that will illuminate and call attention to your landscape at night. Landscape lighting is a fully customizable way to improve the look of your house after the sun goes down, particularly if you enjoy entertaining or you want to improve your home’s curb appeal.

Security – dark spots in and around your yard can be dangerous, particularly if they are around entry points into your home. With low-voltage landscape lighting, you can shine a light on potential problem areas in your home and deter intruders late at night!

Safety – in addition to keeping your home safe from intruders, low-voltage outdoor lighting can make walking around your yard safer. It can be used to light up stairways, paths, etc. to prevent tripping and injuries.

To learn more about A1 Electrical’s outdoor lighting installation services in California, contact us today! 916-482-3400

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